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Code Section
61.101, et seq.

Prohibited Activity
Can not subject to reprisal, threat to use authority, or influence in any manner, against any person who supports, aids, or substantiates a report or an employee who in good faith reports, discloses, divulges any facts, or information relative to an actual or suspected violation of any law, statute, executive order, administrative regulation, mandate, rule or ordinance, mismanagement, fraud, waste, abuse of authority or substantial and specific danger to public health or safety

Public or Private Employees

Opportunity for Employer to Correct?

Civil action for injuries or punitive damages within 90 days after violation


Code Section
338.121 & 338.991

Prohibited Activity
Can not discharge or discriminate if employee or representative files a complaint, institutes a proceeding or testifies regarding a violation of any occupational safety or health statute that threatens physical harm and imminent danger

Public or Private Employees

Opportunity for Employer to Correct?

File a complaint with commissioner for reinstatement, back pay, and other appropriate relief

If willfully or repeatedly violates, minimum $5,000 and maximum $70,000 per violation; otherwise civil penalty, maximum $10,000 per violation

Inside Kentucky