In Kentucky, if you find yourself unemployed through no fault of your own, you should file for unemployment insurance as quickly as you can. Benefits are generally not retroactive; the eligibility starts the date you apply, and there may be a one week waiting period.
You are able to draw unemployment in Kentucky for up to 26 weeks. The maximum amount of weekly benefits you receive will vary; generally Kentucky employment checks amount to one-third of your base period wages, subject to certain maximums.
To qualify for unemployment insurance benefits in the state of Kentucky, you must:
- Be unemployed through no fault of your own
- Have earned at least $750 in at least one quarter of your base period
- Be actively searching for full-time employment and able to work a full time job
- Register with Kentucky’s Office of Employment and Training (OET)
- Accept any job referrals from the OET and report for any job interviews to which you are referred
Before you file an unemployment claim in the state of Kentucky, you should have your:
- Social Security number
- Complete mailing address
- Information about all employers for the previous 18 months, including: names; addresses; phone numbers; the date you began working at each job; and the last day you worked at each job.
You have two options to file for unemployment insurance in Kentucky. You can submit an application for unemployment:
Via the Internet, by accessing Kentucky’s Electronic Workplace for Employment Services (KEWES) at OR
Via telephone by calling 1-866-291-2926