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Maryland unemployment provides temporary financial assistance to workers who have lost their jobs involuntarily. Maryland unemployment is a joint program of both the U.S. and Maryland governments.

You are eligible for unemployment if:

  • You worked in Maryland during the past 18 months as an employee for a company that paid unemployment taxes on your job.
  •  You are not at fault for losing your job
  •  You are actively seeking employment
  •  You are physically and mentally capable of working
  •  You are available to work

For filing you need:

  • Your Social Security Number, mailing address, and a telephone number where you can be reached.
  • Name, date of birth, and Social Security Number of all dependents under age 16.
  • If you are not a U.S. citizen, proof that you are legally able to work in the U.S.
  • The business name, address, dates of employment, and reason for separation for all employers within the last 18 months.
  • If you are a union member, the hiring hall number is required.
  • If you served in the military within the last 18 months, your DD214, Member 4 is required.

You can file for Maryland unemployment online at mdunemployment.com  or you can file by calling a Maryland Claim Center.

Inside Maryland