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In Utah, filing for unemployment benefits can be done online or over the phone, and those eligible can receive up to $444 a week for up to 26 weeks.

In order to receive unemployment insurance benefits in the state of Utah you must:

  •  Have become unemployed through no fault of your own
  •  Be actively seeking full-time employment and/or be enrolled in various forms of employee training
  •  You must also be available for full-time employment
  •  You must be a U.S. citizen or be able to legaly work in the United States
  •  You must have earned an income in at least 2 of the 5 quarters that make up your base period
  •  You must have earned at least $3,000 dollars in your base period and made at least 1.5 times the amount of your highest quarter earnings in that base period, or you need to have worked at least 20 weeks during the base period in which you brought in at least $150 dollars a week.
  •  Have a valid Utah claim
  •  Apply each week

In order to file for unemployment benefits in Utah, you will need to have present several items of information including:

  •  Your social security number
  •  Names, phone numbers and addresses of your employers from the previous two years, as well as the dates in which you were in their employ
  • Valid Utah drivers license or state id card
  •  Alien registration number and card, if applicable
  • The name and number of your union, if applicable
  • Estimate of the gross amount of earnings you received from said employers
  • Why you are no longer employed with these various employers
  •  If you have been on active military duty at any time in the previous two years, you will need to submit your DD214 Member 4, and your certificate of release or your active duty discharge.

In the state of Utah you can apply for unemployment benefits either online or by telephone.

Online registration takes about 30 minutes, and must be filed between the hours of 2:00am and 9:00pm, seven days a week. You can apply here.
To file via the telephone, you can dial the following number: (888) 848-0688

Inside Utah