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State Wage and Hour Laws

ALASKA: State minimum wage is $5.65. Workers employed as school bus drivers receive at least two times the Alaska minimum wage.

ARKANSAS: Employers of workers who receive board, lodging, apparel, or other items as part of the worker’s employment may be entitled to an allowance for such board, lodging, apparel or other items, not to exceed 30 cents per hour, credited against the minimum wage.

INDIANA: An employer must pay a base wage of $2.13 per hour for tipped employees (any employee who receives more than $30 a month in tips) and the employer must pay the difference between the base wage and federal minimum wage if applicable.

MICHIGAN: Workers under the age of 18 are entitled to a 30 minute meal break after five hours of work. Michigan law does not require a meal break for workers over the age of 18.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: An employer cannot require a worker to work more than five hours without a thirty minute meal break. An employee who reports to work at the employer’s request is entitled to be paid a minimum of two hours wages.

NEW JERSEY: Workers under the age of 18 are entitled to a 30 minute meal break after five hours of work. New Jersey law does not require a meal break for workers over the age of 18.

OREGON: State minimum wage is $6.50 per hour. State law prohibits employers from taking a credit against minimum wage for tips. Employees are entitled to thirty minute meal periods for work shifts six hours or longer, and ten minute work breaks during each four hour work shift.

VERMONT: State minimum wage is $6.25 per hour. State minimum wage for restaurant servers is $3.44 per hour with a maximum tip credit allowance of $2.81 per hour.

WEST VIRGINIA: Minors 14 or 15 years of age must receive work permits before working. The permit is forwarded to the Division of Labor, which has the responsibility of ensuring that minors are not working in hazardous or unsuitable conditions.

WASHINGTON: State minimum wage is $6.90 per hour. No employer may employ a minor without a work permit from the state along with permission from the minor’s parent or guardian and school.

Inside State Wage and Hour Laws